2023 GATK 國際教育訓練
A 4-DAY GATK WORKSHOP • 2023/11/13~11/16 • NCHC Taiwan
日期: {{conferenceInfo.date}} 時間: {{conferenceInfo.time}} 地點: {{conferenceInfo.location}}
This workshop will focus on the core steps involved in calling variants from Illumina next generation sequencing data using the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK). You will learn about best practices in calling both germline and somatic variants: single nucleotide variants (SNVs), short insertion/deletions (indels), and structural variants (SVs) with a focus on copy number variants (CNVs). We will also cover considerations to take when calling variants on the mitochondrial genome, as well as variant calling from single-cell RNA-seq data and long reads sequencing data. We will cover how the data structures provided by GATK can help you process large datasets in parallel and at scale. Although this workshop focuses on human data, the majority of the concepts and approaches apply to non-human data, and we will cover some adaptations needed in those situations.
Target audience
The course is aimed at life scientists interested in genomic variant analysis and its applications. We don’t assume prior experience in this topic, but it is essential to have command line experience and a basic understanding of sequencing technologies. This course is also suitable for participants with prior experience in other types of ‘omics’ data analysis (e.g. RNA-seq), who would like to learn about this topic.
- Familiarity with the basic terms and concepts of genetics and short-read sequencing technologies.
- Familiarity with the Unix command line environment is essential.
- {{ exp }}
Professional experiences
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- 主播端:與講師所處同一教室;收播端:與講師所處不同教室,同步連線講師授課情形,並可於線上提問
- 兩間教室皆會安排助教當場協助。
- 費用含上課期間之午餐(共計4天)
- 上課地點: 台北恆逸教育訓練中心(台北市松山區復興北路99號14樓)
- 課程為全英文進行,建議報名者需具備英文溝通能力,熟悉遺傳學及 short-read sequencing 技術的基本概念,以及需熟悉 Linux command line 環境
- 填寫報名表單→靜候通知報名結果→獲得報名繳費連結完成繳費→報名完成
- 報名開放時間為:2023 年 10 月 03 日 早上 09:00 (名額有限,主辦單位會依報名狀況,隨時截止報名)
- 如需上課證明,請屆時於繳費系統勾選。
- 因名額有限,有填寫報名資訊不代表一定可以參與課程,需收到主辦單位回傳之報名成功通知,並完成後續流程與繳費,才算報名成功。
- 若報名者不克出席,可指定其他人員替代出席。受限於作業流程,恕不接受取消報名與退費,不便之處敬請見諒。
- 申請變更請於 2023 年 10 月 31 日中午 12:00(含)前以E-mail方式提出申請,提供報名者與替代人員相關資料,待主辦單位確認後回覆始完成報名變更手續。
- 主辦單位保留報名與各項優惠資格審核之權利。
- 本課程將全程進行錄影,經講師同意後,將透過生技醫藥核心設施服務對外釋出。
- 如有任何報名相關問題,請洽 2203096@narlabs.org.tw / 03-5776085 #276 / 吳小姐
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